Re: FVWM: M_MINI_ICON packets

From: Jose M. Pereira <>
Date: 18 Apr 1997 02:11:47 +0100

"Randy J. Ray" <> writes:

> window have this triple. Of course M_DESK doesn't, or M_STRING. But if a
> packet pertains to a specific window, all other packet types have the
> triple. Except M_MINI_ICON (unless you chose not to apply my patch to the
> windowshade packets, in which case you have three packets that don't). The

Sorry, I didn't know M_MINI_ICON was window-specific (I have to add these new
packet types to one of these days). The "windowshade" ones must be
window-specific for sure!

> frequently refer to this triple is the means of identifying fvwm-managed
> windows, it specifically refers to the third element, the "internal index"
> (actually the hex representation of the struct's memory address), as well-
> suited for use as an index of sorts for programs that list and index
> windows.

my needs it (keeps track of windows, of course - I chose the wid for
it). I don't have fvwm sources handy, so I don't know what M_MINI_ICON is
supposed to do, but if it refers to a single window, the packet ought to carry
its id. If you say that the windowshade ones don't, that's strange... What are
the modules supposed to do with them then?

(I'll search for your patch)

I suppose this isn't exactly a popular theme in the list, since only the
module interface library programmers need to think of this. Let's see how many
for: the C library, yours in Perl, and the 2 (?) in Python... (I'm sure there's
a tcl library, but never heard of it)

Now, you module programmers: let's see those wonderful new modules you are
writing! As you see, there's plenty of language support for you ;-)

Jose' Pereira
	     INESC (Inst. Eng. Sistemas e Computadores)
             R. Alves Redol 9, 6. 1000 Lisboa, PORTUGAL.
             Phone.: +351 1 3100223 Fax...: +351 1 3145843
 e-mail: PGP PUBLIC KEY: finger -m pereira
		(clever, funny, wise, witty citation missing)
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