Re: FVWM: current stance on proposed features?

From: Brady Montz <>
Date: 17 Apr 1997 08:07:38 -0700

"Bradley T. Hughes" <> writes:

> The current fvwm2 beta (2.0.45) supports pixmaps in titlebars...
> the syntax is covered in the man pages, and fvwm2 can even tile a pixmap
> on the handles/borders. I've seen it done (let's see afterstep do that). ;)
> Brad Hughes / nyztihke - 1997
> - i've become something so horrid and evil -
> - i can't stand to walk around in public without feeling my hatred -
> - makes me want to end the suffering of the "good" people i see around me -

My only wish is for moving this gradient stuff into some sort of library so
that modules could use it as well. FvwmButtons would sure look nice that way,
as well as FvwmIconMan or FvwmIconBox or any module which stays running for a
long time.

This shouldn't happen though until after 2.0 gets officially released and
things have settled down. Many bugs and arguments over .fvw2rc syntax would

 Brady Montz
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Received on Thu Apr 17 1997 - 10:08:41 BST

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