Re: FVWM: read function

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Wed, 09 Apr 1997 09:31:39 -0400 (Graeme McCaffery) writes:
> where is the read function defined?

In functions.c:

  {"Read", ReadFile, F_READ, FUNC_NO_WINDOW},

> I found the function that reads the fvwmrc file in read.c but I can't find
> the function that allows individual files to be read during normal operation.

Looks to me like ReadFile is used for .fvwm2rc and the "read" command,
and piperead.

> I'm trying to hack a little bit of code and introduce a new
> envirmonet variable FVWMHOME so that I can store all my fvwm file in
> a single directory such as CDE does. if anyone has already done this
> could they let me know.

If you look at ReadSubFunc (read.c), it looks like if the filename
doesn't start with a slash, it tries $HOME, and if that fails it tries

I believe you get some environment variable expansion if you use M4 or
cpp. But some builtin expansion would be nice.

> thanks
> Graeme
> --
> email:
> --

Dan Espen                                    Phone: (908) 699-5570
444 Hoes Lane  Room RRC 1C-214
Piscataway, NJ 08854
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