From: Randy J. Ray <rjray_at_uswest.com>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 14:29:01 -0700

Ahhhh... the last packet to be documented and grokked by my interface... :-)

The packet M_MINI_ICON sends six word/integer values to the recepient:

word meaning

0 X Window ID
1 X Pixmap ID of the picture
2 X Pixmap ID of the mask
3 Width
4 Height
5 Depth

The problems that jump out at me:

* As with the window-shade packets I pointed to earlier this week, the standard
  3 args are missing from the start of this packet.

* I don't think that either of the X Pixmap IDs (not to be confused with XPMs
  themselves, these can identify either a pixmap *or* a bitmap) are at all
  useful to a module. I don't know how easy it is for an application to get a
  pixmap using only this value. Under a widget library like Tk, I don't know if
  it is even possible. Perhaps for the C-based modules, this can be used. I
  would prefer to see a string, though.

I would propose that the packet look more like:

word meaning

0 X Win ID
1 Frame X Win ID
2 Fvwm ID
3 Width
4 Height
5 Depth
6+ File name

of course, if the Pixmap ID values are of use, they can be added back in
before the file name.

A quick check shows that the only module using M_MINI_ICON currently is the
FvwmIconMan that comes with Fvwm (I assume the more current version of
FvwmIconMan also uses it).

Randy J. Ray -- U S WEST Technologies IAD/CSS/DPDS         Phone: (303)595-2869
                Denver, CO                                     rjray_at_uswest.com
"It's not denial. I'm just very selective about the reality I accept." --Calvin
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