Re: FVWM: boxed icons

From: Orlando Andico <>
Date: Fri, 21 Mar 1997 16:10:39 +0800 (GMT)

On Wed, 19 Mar 1997, Mark Krischer wrote:

> Orlando Andico wrote:
> > Why? because some applications provide their own icon windows, and I don't
> > want to replace these. And I was icons-in-a-box (never mind the gradients)
> this line prompted a question i've had for a while now, is there a way
> to get at those icons? with windows i remember some icon manager
> programs could extract and let you replace these. is the same kind of
> functionality possible with xapps and fvwm?

Here's what I did:

  edit your fvwm/icon.c

Remove the lines which check for an application providing its own pixmap,
and an application providing its own icon window. Just leave in the lines
which say to check for a user-supplied (in .fvwm2rc) pixmap.

What happens now is that apps which provide their own pixmaps (e.g. XV)
get ignored. Apps which don't provide any icons (e.g. xterm) are
unaffected. Then you have to put something like

  Style "*" default_icon.xpm

in your .fvwm2rc (provide one for each app..)

It sucks, I know, that's why I don't use this solution, but it does work.

Orlando Andico IRC Lab/EE Dept/UP Diliman

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Received on Fri Mar 21 1997 - 02:13:14 GMT

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