FVWM: How to disable a key assignment temporary

From: Michael Wein <wein_at_dfki.uni-sb.de>
Date: Wed, 19 Mar 1997 10:27:33 +0100


I hope this isnīt a FAQ, at least I could find it in any documents
available to me. If the question is asked frequently please point me to
a source where I can find the anwer.

My problem:

I would like to know if there is a way to (temporary) disable the global
key settings for a specific application. E. g. I have bound the
following to my function keys (in ~/.fvwm2rc):

Key F1 WTSF N Iconify
Key F2 WTSF N Raise
Key F3 WTSF N Lower
Key F4 WTSF N Maximize 0 100
Key F5 WTSF N Module FvwmIdent
Key F6 WTSF N Refresh
Key F7 WTSF N Delete
Key F8 WTSF N Destroy
Key F9 WTSF N Restart fvwm2
Key F10 WTSF N Stick
Key F11 WTSF N Next [*] Focus
Key F12 WTSF N Prev [*] Focus

Now I would like to start an application that also makes use of the
function keys. An example of such an application is Emacs. But with the
boundings above they wonīt work of course. I understand that I could
modify the context from "WTSF" to "TSF", but that is not what I usually
want since I prefer to use the function keys anywhere within my windows.

If someone has an idea what I could do (Style option?), please let me
know. Thank you very much in advance.

Michael Wein

Is "Windows for Dummies" another case of "this sentence no verb?"
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Received on Wed Mar 19 1997 - 03:33:14 GMT

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