Re: FVWM: Key bindings:

From: Kai Grossjohann <>
Date: 18 Mar 1997 19:22:21 +0100

>>>>> Moneesh Upmanyu writes:

  Moneesh> I use xemacs as well as framemaker, and the <Ctrl>+Arrowkey
  Moneesh> and the <Meta>+ Arrowkeys key bindings in fvwm (to shift
  Moneesh> between pages as well desktops) hinders with some important
  Moneesh> commands in xemacs and framemaker. I don't have a .fvwmrc
  Moneesh> file, but I obviously need to create one to supersede the
  Moneesh> <Ctrl>+Arrowkey and <Meta>+ Arrowkeys keybindings in fvwm.
  Moneesh> I would appreciate it if I could know what all include to
  Moneesh> in my .fvwmrc file to supersede these bindings or bind them
  Moneesh> to some other keys.

Copy the system.fvwmrc (or is it system.fvwm2rc?) to your home
directory as ~/.fvwmrc (or ~/.fvwm2rc) and edit it.

Example what to look for:

Key Down A 4 Next [CurrentDesk] Function GoThere
                                Function to execute
                        Modifier, can be S(hift), C(trl), M(eta),
                        or a number 1 thru 5. Type "xmodmap -pm"
                        to see what keys are associated with which
                Context, A means any, W means window, T means
                title, ... see man page for details
    Key name. Down, Left, Right, Up are the arrow keys

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