Re: FVWM: Mapping win95 keys to FVWM functions

From: James Frost <>
Date: Mon, 17 Mar 1997 10:53:43 +0000 (GMT)

I wanted to do the same thing. Its setup on my machine at home. I can't
remember exactly what the codes were, but here is how to find out:

        1/ Run 'xev' in an xterm
        2/ Click on the xev window and hit the key you want to find
           Note the keycode for the key
        3/ open .xinitrc in an editor and type the following

                xmodmap -e "keycode <one noted above> = Fxx"
        where xx is say 13 ('cos most PC keyboards only have function
        keys up to F13')

        4/ open .fvwm2rc and add the following line

        Key F13 A A Menu Root Nop

        or whatever

Hope this helps....

                James Frost

        o 34 Blenheim Gardens, Highfield, Soton, S017 3RQ
        o Tel: (01703) 583 717
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