Re: FVWM: pixmap fvwmbuttons

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 1997 10:20:39 -0500 (Graeme McCaffery) writes:
> I've just patched the button module to allow pixmaps, unfortunately the whole
> bar is not filled with the background pixmap.
> where there are no icons the normal colour appears and i notice that when som
> thing is swallowed the border around it is the original colour
> would it be possible to stop the module drawing the colour in the first place
> and drawing the pixmap instead.
> nonetheless it does look great!.
> p.s. are the fvwm icons standardised to a particular colour map? if so could
> a collection of backgrounds conform to this map and be available on the fvwm
> site?

I don't believe the icons have been changed to use a standard set of
colors, but I recently submitted a patch to the "workers list" that
change's the icons colors to a "standard" set as they are displayed.

This would allow users with 24 bit color to display icons as-is, and
users with 8 bit color to restrict colors as desired.

I think this is a superior solution, and hope that my patch is
included in the next release.

> Graeme
> --
> email:
> --

Dan Espen                                    Phone: (908) 699-5570
444 Hoes Lane  Room RRC 1C-214
Piscataway, NJ 08854
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Received on Wed Mar 12 1997 - 09:23:01 GMT

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