Re: FVWM: Icons on FvwmForms????

From: Eddy J. Gurney <>
Date: Wed, 5 Mar 1997 14:20:26 -0500

On Mar 5 at 13:38, Uncle Buck wrote:
| I'm new to fvwm so if this is a stupid question, pardon me. I was wondering
| if you can place an icon on a form. Is it possible and how?
You should check out 'FvwmScript' that is in the 'extras' directory that
is part of the fvwm-2.0.45 distribution. It is an outstanding replacement for
'FvwmForm'... its only downside is that it needs an external script to
define what it is supposed to do; there is no way to embed it in your .fvwm2rc
file like you can with FvwmForm. Other than that, its feature and "look and
feel" are much better than "its competitor".

This assumes, of course, that you build and install fvwm yourself; if not,
you may be out of luck, unless you have a nice sysadmin who will build and
install it for you... :-)

Just my $0.02,

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Received on Wed Mar 05 1997 - 13:20:52 GMT

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