Re: FVWM: IconStyle? / Wharf

From: Patrice Fortier <>
Date: Mon, 3 Mar 1997 17:45:32 +0100 (MET)

Brady Montz writes:
> There has been some private discussion between me and Andrew Veliath on
> this. It would be a logical addition. I'd like to see a library where modules
> can use that code as well (mmm, gradients in my FvwmButtons). It's not a small
> job though.

The first job should be to include the gradient functions in the
library, so the titlebar, icons, menu entries and some modules
(FvwmButtons...) could use it. There was a patch some days ago to
modify the icons look (fvwm -> AfterStep).

I don't see interest in coding a gradient function for each task
(icon, titlebar, fvwmbuttons...)...


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