FVWM: X ButtonStyle

From: Adrian Bridgett <adrian.bridgett_at_poboxes.com>
Date: Sat, 22 Feb 1997 21:23:16 +0000 (GMT)

Just a v. small contribution - an large X (I use it for close). It seems
to be less susceptible to looking daft as some do (when the angles are
wrong and you end up with non-45 degree lines).

Enjoy (for a short time anyway).

ButtonStyle 1 17 30x20_at_0 45x35_at_0 50x35_at_0 70x20_at_1 80x30_at_0 65x45_at_0 65x50_at_0
80x70_at_0 70x80_at_0 50x65_at_1 45x65_at_1 30x80_at_0 20x70_at_1 35x50_at_1 35x45_at_1 20x30_at_1

adrian.bridgett_at_poboxes.com  www.netforward.com/poboxes/?Adrian.Bridgett
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Received on Sat Feb 22 1997 - 15:24:15 GMT

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