Re: FVWM: Setting the background image

From: Martin Cartwright <M.Cartwright_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK>
Date: Wed, 19 Feb 1997 15:39:28 GMT

=> From: Jason Harrell <>
=> Subject: FVWM: Setting the background image

=> 1. How can I set/change the background color/picture from that dull gray
=> and black checker crap?

To change your background you need to add a command to the InitFunction in
your .fvwmrc file.

you can use anything that changes the root window; xv -root, xsetroot, or
xpmroot (included with the fvwm distribution) xv has the advantage of using
any format of image, but is rather slow, whereas xsetroot uses only .xbm
files and xpmroot .xpm files, however they are faster (at least on my

My InitFunction loooks like this

AddToFunc InitFunction "I" Module FvwmAuto 100
+ "I" Module FvwmButtons ControlBar /home11/imc/.barrc
+ "I" Module FvwmAudio
+ "I" exec xpmroot /scratch11/imc/nwrm/pics/bkdrp-2.xpm
+ "I" exec /home11/imc/bin/rxvt -pixmap /home11/imc/nwrm/pics/pixmaps/scream.xpm -scale T -display $DISPLAY -title "$HOST : ArghTerm" -n Aargh -geometry 80x45+420+175 &
+ "I" exec mailtool -scale small -iconic &
+ "I" exec xfaces -geometry 70x700-0+150 &

=> 2. Where can I find cool pixmaps for fvwm?

Hmmm... There are links to a number of icon/pixmap archives at the
"Window Managers for X" page at

Including some cool 3d appearance pixmaps... If you're using an 8-bit
colour display, you may find you run out of colours fairly quickly so
be careful when using really cool icons. Usually the cooler the icons
the more colours they're going to use. I got ed up with this so I went
and compiled my own set of pixmaps that all use the same 16 colour set.
You can find them at the address below...

Sorry about the shameless self-promotion, but hey, no one else is going
to mention them... -
| "No challenge should be faced without a little charm, |
| and a lot of style." |
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Received on Wed Feb 19 1997 - 09:39:12 GMT

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