Re: FVWM: Need Help w/ a Button

From: Eric Kahler <>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 20:03:06 -0500

Eric Kahler wrote:
> Hi,
> My current button #2, which I use to minimize my windows is defined as:
> ButtonStyle 4 16 60x40_at_1 60x80_at_0 15x80_at_0 15x40_at_1 60x40_at_1 40x40_at_1 40x25_at_1
> 75x25_at_1 75x60_at_0 60x60_at_0 75x60_at_0 75x40_at_0 85x40_at_0 85x15_at_0 60x15_at_1 60x25_at_1
> If you'll allow a little poetic interpretation: It looks like a small
> "panel" in the upper right hand corner of the button space which is
> becoming a large "panel" in the lower left hand corner of the button
> space. To me, it looks like a window which is being maximized.
> I'd like button number 2 to look like a window which is being
> minimized. That is, I'd like a large panel in the upper right hand
> corner of the button space, the same sized panel in the middle, and a
> small panel in the lower left hand corner of the button space.
> I tried to reverse the order of the vector definitions, but ended up
> with the same size panels in the same places with a reversed shading.
> Are there any Vector wizards out there who can help?
> TIA,
> Eric.

Well. . . I waited for your replies for about 3.5 ms, and then started
to work on the problem myself. What I've gotten thus far is:

ButtonStyle 4 17 80x20_at_0 80x60_at_0 60x60_at_0 60x40_at_0 60x70_at_0 40x70_at_0 40x60_at_0
40x85_at_0 15x85_at_0 15x60_at_1 40x60_at_1 30x60_at_1 30x40_at_1 60x40_at_1 45x40_at_1 45x20_at_1

Which is very, very close to what I'm looking for. In fact it will do
just fine, but I ran into another question:

It seems that the buttons aren't built on a standard x,y graph (where
the origin is in the lower left hand corner and x and y grow outward
from the origin) from the perspective of a user looking at the button;
am I right about this? If that is so, exactly what are the orientations
of the x and y axis when one is designing a ButtonStyle from the
perspective of a user looking at the button?

I'd appreciate any help you can offer on this.
From:  Eric Kahler.
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Received on Tue Feb 18 1997 - 19:00:26 GMT

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