Re: FVWM: How does/should flipfocus work?

From: Markus Gutschke <>
Date: 18 Feb 1997 09:37:15 +0100

Christopher Wolf <> writes:
> What a #^&%$!! I'm playing with it, and I've yet to see anything that
> reorders the window list when using mouse focus. I'd *love* to use
> FlipFocus, but I'm not changing to ClickToFocus just to do it!
> I suppose I could start things in just the right order to get this all
> to work out, but that seems really silly!

I also use SloppyFocus (and autoraise) and up until yesterday
FlipFocus would never work for me. It would always switch between two
arbitrary windows, but never between the windows that had focus
before. I eventually fixed the problem for my configuration. This is,
what I did:

 - I added the line
      Key F22 A S Prev [CurrentPage] Focus
   to my configuration file.

 - I started the FvwmWinList module.

 - I used Shift-F22 to switch between windows. When I monitored
   FvwmWinList, I noticed that this did not always work and the window
   of my "xconsole" was apparently causing problems.

 - I added a style option for the "xconsole" that removed it from the
   circulate list:
      Style "xconsole" NoTitle,NoHandles,Sticky,WindowListSkip, \
   (N.B. this is in fact just one long line; the line break was
   introduced for better readability of this message.)

 - Now the window list was no longer confused, so I added the
   FlipFocus command to my configuration file:
      Key F22 A N Prev [CurrentPage] FlipFocus

I should probably mention, that I also removed a few other windows
from the circulate list. But this was even before I worried about

      Style "Fvwm*" NoTitle,Sticky,WindowListSkip,CirculateSkip
      Style "FvwmConsole" Title,Handles,Slippery,WindowListHit,CirculateHit
      Style "FvwmButtons" NoTitle,NoHandles,Sticky,WindowListSkip, \
                           BorderWidth 0,ClickToFocus,CirculateSkip
      Style "FvwmWinList" NoTitle,NoHandles,Sticky,WindowListSkip, \
                           BorderWidth 0,ClickToFocus,CirculateSkip
(Again, line breaks were introduced for better readability. They do not
occur in the actual "fvwmrc" file!)

I hope, this information is of some help. The conclusion is, that you
might have to play with style options, before FlipFocus works
reliably. I do not know, what the original problem was, but a wild
guess is, that the ClickToFocus style option was causing problems.


Markus Gutschke          Internet:
Schlage 5a               PGP public key: finger -l
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