Re: FVWM: How does/should flipfocus work?

From: Dan Niles <>
Date: Mon, 17 Feb 1997 10:28:17 -0600

> How does flipfocus work? I have:
> Key R9 RWTSFIA N Prev [CurrentPage] FlipFocus

This is correct, but the window column is confusing. Just use A for Any.

Key R9 A N Prev [CurrentPage] FlipFocus

> do not use click-to-focus, and only have a few xterms in the circulate
> list, which is always what I want to flip between. This does not seem
> to work a lot of the time. I seem to have to focus the window, click,
> and press return in various combinations between the two windows before
> I can get this to work.

If you look at your window list, FlipFocus will always take you to then
next window as selected by Prev (This is the same as Focus). The
window list is in an unknown state on start-up (or restart) so some
focus events are necessary before you know what FlipFocus will do.
Unless you cheat and look at the window list. If you are trying
to switch between xterms, and want it to work on startup, try:

Key R9 A N Prev [CurrentPage Xterm] FlipFocus
Key R9 A S Prev [CurrentPage Xterm] Focus

This make R9 (What is R9?) toggle between the top two xterms, while
Shift-R9 will rotate around the list in the normal fassion.

> Also, what's the difference between FlipFocus and Focus, when used in
> this manner?

FlipFocus always switches to the Prev window on the list AND
switches the order of the list so that the next call to Prev will
bring you to the window you were last in. Focus does not switch
the order on the list. The best way to observe what FlipFocus does
is to watch the window list while using it. You will see the order

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