FVWM: BUG I found...

From: Mattias Brandstrom <d95-mbr_at_sm.luth.se>
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 1997 17:58:28 +0100 (MET)


I spent several hours last day trying to get fvwm2 to parse my
.fvwm2rc file with FvwmM4. It didn't work at first...

In the man pages it says that if you want to use FvwmM4 you should
start fvwm with the following sequence:

fvwm -f "FvwmM4 .fvwm2rc"

This is not true!

After trying out different theories for a long time I took a look
at the source for fvwm. In the part where the args passed to it is
checked one can see that:

(Skip this if you are not interested in the details)

If you pass -f as above:

if (mystrncasecmp(argv[i],"-f",2)==0)
  if (++i >= argc)
  config_command = (char *)malloc(6+strlen(argv[i]));
  strcpy(config_command,"Read "); <---
  strcat(config_command,argv[i]); <---
  free_config_command = True;

This will cause the config_command to be "Read FvwmM4 .fvwm2rc".
Wich doesn't work.

If you use:

fvwm -cmd "FvwmM4 .fvwm2rc"

to start fvwm this will happen:

if (mystrncasecmp(argv[i],"-cmd",4)==0)
  if (++i >= argc)
  config_command = argv[i];

Now config_command will be "FvwmM4 .fvwm2rc". And that, I think, is
how it should be.

I hope someone will find this information usefull. I would have fond
it so last night. :-)

The man pages should atleast be changed to the correct information.

Please feel free to make any comments about this. I would appreciate if
you could send any replys to this mail to my email aswell as to the
mailinglist. I don't know how often I am going to read this list.


/Mattias Brändström


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Received on Sat Feb 15 1997 - 10:58:52 GMT

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