FVWM: fvwm95 vs. fvwm2

From: Jochen Hayek <JHayek_at_eps.agfa.be>
Date: 13 Feb 1997 13:23:12 +0100

A friend of mine over here _at_AGFA.be
saw me using fvwm(2) and picked on me because of the colors
I used by default (-> [jargon file] :angry fruit salad: /n./).

So I decided to change over to fvwm95.

I got the impression (but I did not find that confirmed),
that fvwm95 is a very close fvwm2 relative.

Are they maintained in parallel?

Can I run an ordinary fvwm2 as fvwm95?
(With proper startup file(s) ?!?)


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Received on Thu Feb 13 1997 - 06:25:29 GMT

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