Re: FVWM: click on window to raise it

From: Kai Grossjohann <>
Date: 12 Feb 1997 08:45:03 +0100

>>>>> Joey Hess writes:

  Joey> In my fvwmrc, I have:

  Joey> # This just raises windows on a single click.
  Joey> AddToFunc raise_func
  Joey> + "C" Raise
  Joey> # Bind it to any click in a window.
  Joey> Mouse 0 W A raise_func
  Joey> # Make sure to pass the click events to the program in the window.
  Joey> GlobalOpts MouseFocusClickRaises

  Joey> What'm I doing wrong?

Do *not* bind the mouse click with "Mouse 0 W A raise_func".
MouseFocusClickRaises binds all three mouse buttons all by itself.

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Received on Wed Feb 12 1997 - 01:45:30 GMT

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