FVWM: fvwm / FvwmAuto problem

From: Albrecht Kadlec <albrecht_at_auto.tuwien.ac.at>
Date: Tue, 11 Feb 97 20:37:59 +0100

        start FvwmAuto 100

        put 2 somewhat overlapping windows on a screen
        go to window A

        go to window B, (not touching root)

        go back to A, _before_ B is _raised_, but be sure to
        stay in the area, where the 2 windows overlap.

the last 2 steps must happen very quickly (just leave A for 50 ms)

focus keeps toggling between the two windows and they'll be raiseed
alternatively, until the mouse leaves the space where the 2 windows

after a few tries you'll get the feeling how to trigger the effect.

So this is a _very_ bad interaction between fvwm2 & FvwmAuto.

>From my debug output FvwmAuto behaves correctly, so what seems to happen

apparently, FvwmAuto gets a new focus event _after_ the raise,
which was originated _before_ the raise.
The raise event triggers a new focus event (since we're in the overlap

time fvwm: FvwmAuto:

 | focus B
 | focus A, because we re-entered timeout expires, while we haven't
 | seen the focus A yet -> raise B
 v focus B, because it's on top timeout expires, but we haven't
                                        seen the focus B yet -> raise A
and so on.

the 100ms just seem to be >= the round trip delay of the
        FvwmAuto (raise) -> fvwm (focus) -> FvwmAuto (receive new focus)

so the two columns seem to be executed in parallel, with the "left hand not
knowing what the right hand does"

I tried to get an interval where this effect is triggered:

        I got down to 70ms
        raising to 200 ms also

        raising the timeout to 300 ms, I noticed an interesting effect:
        the flipping stops after some time:

        I got 6, 65, 3, 5, 4, 16, 63 flips so far

Increasing the time slows down the FvwmAuto column in the above timing
diagram, so at some point the next focus event from fvwm arrives, before
the timeout elapses, so the raise is cancelled.

Can anybody suggest a solution ?

I guess, adding a paragraph to the man page saying:
        don't set timeout below
is out of question.

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I was in the kitchen		Seamus, that's the dog was outside
Well, I was in the kitchen	Seamus, my old hound was outside
Well, you know the sun was sinking slowly
But my hound just sat right down and cried	-- Pink Floyd, "Seamus"
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