FVWM: click on window to raise it

From: Joey Hess <joey_at_kite.ml.org>
Date: Mon, 10 Feb 1997 19:47:42 -0500

I'm using fvwm 2.0.45. I want to have a function that, if I click anywhere
on a window (including inside it), will raise the window. Like:

AddToFunc raise_func
+ "C" Raise
Mouse 0 W A raise_func

But this doesn't pass the click on to the application in the window. Is there
a way to do that with the new fvwm?

#!/usr/bin/perl -i=-/*/~%*~%/~~%/~~~-/*/_/=~~~-/====~~! # joey_at_kite.ml.org
$o=35;$_="$^I-*!=====_!/";s/~/!*/g;s~%~-/ / ~g;$_.='---      Joey Hess
';s/=/__/g;y|*!| \\|;for(split/-/){print' 'x$o--."$_\n"}# a M.C. Escher fan
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Received on Mon Feb 10 1997 - 20:05:25 GMT

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