Re: FVWM: fvwm 2.2.4 - xterm titles changing dynamically- how to stop?

From: Erik Steffl <>
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 13:50:45 -0800

Elizabeth Schwartz wrote:
> When I open an xterm, I am explicitly specifying Title and name with xterm
> -T host1 -n host1
> If I ssh to another host from that xterm, after some seemingly random
> interval, the xterm title and name are changing to the name of the new
> host. Or, worse, sometimes just to "${HOST}" (minus the quotation marks)
> What causes this behavior, and HTH can I turn it OFF? If I name a window
> "host1" I want it to stay named "host1" no matter *what* I do inside the
> window.

  it can be the program you are running, for example the vim changes the
title to VIM - filename, mc (midnight commander) also change the title,
it puts the hint there (IIRC it's configurable)

  it most probably is not xterm itself, nor fvwm. It is either in shell
startup files (like other posts suggested) or the program you are
running. Probably.

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