FVWM: ButtonStyle options

From: Jim Nicholson <jim_at_pcks.digex.net>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 1997 10:34:41 -0500

Ok, I bit the bullet and started playing with the new decor
options. Why does every configuration I come up with look a lot like
Win95? ;)

(That last sentence was a JOKE, just in case you missed the smiley.)

Here are some semi-serious thoughts:

Is it just me, or should ButtonStyle have something like

ButtonStyle 1 MiniIcon Flat
ButtonStyle 2 Pixmap foo.xpm Sunk
ButtonStyle 3 Pixmap

I like to use pixmaps, but now that we have TitleStyle ... Flat, I'm
ready to give up the bevel'd look.

Also, Maybe I could come up with some alternatives to the Win95 look
if BorderStyle NoInset worked by itself rather than as an option to
HiddenHandles. I'd like to have no inset, but still see the

- Jim Nicholson                        jimnicholson_at_worldnet.att.net
- I spend 5 hours a day reading email and Usenet. Don't expect me to
- remember everything.
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Received on Tue Jan 21 1997 - 09:43:34 GMT

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