Re: FVWM: Re: FVWM Decor FAQ

From: Albrecht Kadlec <>
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 97 01:24:31 +0100

>>>>> Paul D Smith writes:

Paul, first of all: very good points.

P> I just spent a while trying to decipher the new stuff, including Decor.
P> I think one of the reasons it's confusing is that it's not clear at all
P> what the distinction between a Decor and a Style is, when you should use
P> one or the other, and basically why they are two different things and
P> what each is good for.

P> Also, it seems that everything _except_ Style has gone to the new
P> "AddTo" format (with the "+" lines), which is inconsistent.

P> And why is there only one AddToFunc, AddToMenu, AddToDecor, but there's
P> a distinction between ButtonStyle and AddButtonStyle? I don't get that.

because the AddButtonStyle part was added by Andrew (minimal change
policy, or Chuck won't consider the patch, since it's to big to work
through - I fixed a whole lot of bugs at once and added some
features, but Chuck simply didn't include it. - lots of parsing bugs
could simply be fixed by modifying MatchToken and CmpToken)

P> And, as I said before, some of the syntax uses this new (), --, !
P> notation and some doesn't (like Style doesn't use !, it has multiple
P> values for the opposite "flag" types). That's also confusing.

chuck is working on it. I hope he'll use the ! instead of the
unreadable "NoNormal", "Normal", "OnlyNormal", for WindowList again.

I did it like this originally (my WindowList rewrite)
        + or & means: this option is required,
        - or ! means: this option is rejected (required to be off)
             . means: don't care for this option
it was "too unreadable" :-)

anyway. Chuck should make his decision and stay with it throughout all
of .fvwm2rc.

P> Why do you define the colors to HilightColor as <c1> <c2>, but the
P> colors to the Style Color option as <c1>/<c2>? There's just a lot of
P> inconsistency and even some redundancy, I think, in the config file
P> language now.

e.g: you can say
        Color fore/back
        ForeColor fore
        BackColor back

I was always wondering about that one :-)

P> I think that somewhere there needs to be a very short overview: "Use
P> ButtonStyle to define buttons on the window frame border; use
P> AddButtonStyle to modify attributes of an existing ButtonStyle; use
P> AddToDecor to make a new Decor; use UseDecor to apply a Decor to a
P> Style; use UseStyle to `duplicate' a style", etc.

so what exactly is the difference between a decor & a style, as they
both affect appearance of a window ?

decor seems to be the complex options (with parameters or lots of data),
styles are mostly binary options (small parameters)

Why not UseStyle & CopyStyle ?

I don't see them as orthogonal concepts, anyway.

But besides all these inconsistencies & deficiencies:
fvwm2.0.44 is a lot more consistent than the previous versions.
Many changes have taken place which didn't even touch the surface.
Yet they were even more important than some of the bug fixes and added
features. Chuck has done a very good job in keeping the project running.

There can be only one and a half. --  The highlander to a recently
					     halved Kurgan.
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