FVWM: Interesting Actions w/WindowShade

From: Christopher Wolf <cwolf_at_micro.ti.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1997 18:05:54 -0600 (CST)

Actions with interesting results:

- WindowShade, then Maximize Horizontal or Resize results in single
  line window

- Activate HiddenHandles & NoInset, then activating Windowshade loses
  some highlight colors in the upper, outer corners of the titlebar

- WindowShade, then Maximize Horizontal will cause emacs 18 to "Fatal
  error (6).Abort"

- Second Maximize Horizontal after WindowShade undoes WindowShade

-Wolf [cwolf_at_tools.micro.ti.com] (713)274-4003
   He who asks is a fool for a moment, he who does not is a fool for life.

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