Re: FVWM: Multiple Windows Manager

From: Kai Grossjohann <>
Date: 09 Jan 1997 13:00:28 +0100

>>>>> Pompon Delire & Co writes:

  Pompon> I have a general problem : I run Linux 2.0 on a PC with
  Pompon> XFree863.2 and fvwm95-2. I need to open, from fvwm95-2, a
  Pompon> session on another machine (running mwm) with display on my
  Pompon> PC. This other machine complains because there is already a
  Pompon> window manager on my machine, but then it send its windows
  Pompon> ok. Everything works fine until I ask this session to
  Pompon> end. My Linux session goes down as well.

Why do you want to start the whole session? Just start all the
programs you want (sans mwm) and you'll be fine.

I use
        xon foo xterm &
to start an xterm on the foo machine. The same can be used with any
other program other than xterm.

I wonder why nobody don't like me,
or is it de fact dat I'm ugly? -- Harry Belafonte
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Received on Thu Jan 09 1997 - 06:01:03 GMT

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