Re: FVWM: How to "ignore" application-specified icons?

From: Steve Tynor <>
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 96 11:38:17 EST

M.Cartwright_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK (Martin Cartwright) suggested:

| => From Fri Dec 13 15:46:49 1996
| =>
| => Is it possible to get FVWM to ignore application-specified icons? I
| => don't use FvwmIconBox or FvwmIconMan, just the standard "iconbox" Style
| => -- my icons end up on the desktop.
| =>
| => The problem is that I really don't like big 24x24 or 32x32 icons. I much
| => prefer a simple box with just the window name in it (no graphics). This
| => is how my XTerms iconify. I want to force my XEmacs's and Netscapes to
| => do the same, but can't figure out how.
| =>
| => Is there something I can set in my .fvwm2rc? Maybe in my .Xdefaults?
| => I've tried to RTFM, but I can't find anything in the fvwm man page.
| =>
| What you could try is creating a small blank xpm icon, say 10x1 pixels
| and make all the pixels transparent. Call it blank.xpm or something similar
| and then override Netscape's icons with a line like
| Style "Netscape" Icon blank.xpm
| in your .fvwm2rc.
| Then when you restart you'll just have a little text box.

Thanks for the suggestion, but it didn't work. Here's the .xpm file I

        /* XPM */
        static char * transparent_xpm[] = {
        "40 1 1 1",
        " s None c none",
        " "};

and it's in my PixmapPath.

I set:
        Style "*" Icon transparent.xpm

yet both my Netscape and XEmacs icons end up with big (64x64?) icons.

For what it's worth, the XEmacs icons initially start out as I want them
(but then they did even before I specified this transparent.xpm icon),
but right after startup (after parsing the .emacs file), it seems that
XEmacs installs a new icon which overrides the original.

I _can_, however, add this to my .emacs:

 (if (boundp 'frame-icon-glyph)
    ;; XEmacs 19.14 installs a huge icon by default (19.13 and earlier didn't...)
    (set-glyph-image frame-icon-glyph "~/bin/transparent.xpm"))

to override Emacs's override. But that still leaves me with big
Netscape icons.

Also: with a transparent XEmacs icon, if I try to move the icon, it goes
completely invisible -- not even the title is visible during the
move. This is different than my Xterm icons (which stay visible during a
move), so I guess this isn't exactly the same as whatever FVWN us doing
by default...

More ideas?

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Received on Fri Dec 13 1996 - 10:54:44 GMT

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