Re: FVWM: Re: How do I know what desktop I'm On ???

From: Kai Grossjohann <>
Date: 12 Dec 1996 21:26:11 +0100

>>>>> proteus writes:

  Bob> If it's something that I do quite often, then I define
  Bob> functions and/or menu items in my .fvwmrc. Something like

  Bob> AddToFunc XtermOnDesk3 Nop
  Bob> + "I" Style "xterm" StartsOnDesk 3
  Bob> + "I" Exec xterm -[my favorite xterm opts]
  Bob> + "I" Style "xterm" StartsAnyWhere

  Bob> would do the trick, [...]

You're right. And FvwmForm allows me to interactively enter the name
of a program that I'd like to start on some desk. I think I might not
need this after all... But then I think I don't really need that
feature of starting apps on some other desk than the current one. The
original poster now knows what can be done, as well.

Thanks for your helpful reply,
I wonder why nobody don't like me,
or is it de fact dat I'm ugly? -- Harry Belafonte
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Received on Thu Dec 12 1996 - 14:27:25 GMT

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