Re: FVWM: Window placement for multiple monitors (not multiple screens)

From: Pete Forman <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2001 08:47:45 +0000

Dominik Vogt writes:
> Actually, we currently have a discussion about future placement
> algorithms and agree that there will be a lot more flexibility some
> day. Any ideas are very welcome.

I would like the placement algorithms to be made available when moving
existing windows. New windows can be made to line up nicely but it
can be a fiddle to exactly move an existing window to a desired
location. It would be useful to have not only a snap-to on move but
also to be able to click on a window to relocate it to where it would
go if it was destroyed and recreated.
Pete Forman                 -./\.- Disclaimer: This post is originated
WesternGeco                   -./\.-  by myself and does not represent     -./\.-  opinion of Schlumberger, Baker  -./\.-  Hughes or their divisions.
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