FVWM: Fvwm configuration questions: ClickToRaise & WindowName style

From: Elad Eyal <elad_at_CS.bgu.ac.il>
Date: Sat, 30 Nov 1996 04:09:06 +0200 (IST)

Good morning,

        Please reply this to elad_at_cs.bgu.ac.il. I'm not on the list
account of being overmailed as it is, but I read the whole list archieve
today searching for these answers.

        Only recently I decided I needed a Window Manager, so I
more-or-less dumped MWM in favour of fvwm2-95. It took me a while to
compile it (Currently on Iris, Aix and Sun. Next in the list are Solaris
and Linux, maybe.

        The first issue is really annoying: Under MWM (which came
preconfigured from the gods, more or less), the focus went wherever the
mouse was, and a mouse click on a mouse caused it to raise. I tried to
achieve a similiar affect using "Mouse 1 W A Raise" and it worked, only
that the mouse click never arrived to the application in the window. Not
good, not good. Anyone can help me with this, please?

        The second is more than a luxury. 80% of my windows are xterms
opened to different hosts. There's a script I use which open xterms with
different window colors & titles to every host, but what I want now is to
configure fvwm Styles to different hosts - (the mini-icon comes to mind).
The man says that Style parameter can accept "Window name", but trial &
error shows me that it does not mean "Window Title"... Right? Am I missing
something here? If I don't, can I give different styles to different
window titles?

(_ / _ / ( E-mail pigeons nest in binary trees )

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Received on Fri Nov 29 1996 - 20:09:39 GMT

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