Re: FVWM: FvwmCascade Question

From: Martin Cartwright <M.Cartwright_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK>
Date: Thu, 28 Nov 1996 10:45:25 GMT

=> From: Nick Cross <>

=> > => > Is there currently a way of excluding windows other than making them
=> > => > untitled? Ideally I'd like all my sticky windows to be exempt as I've
=> > => > put them where I want them to stay!
=> > => >
=> > =>
=> > => Errrrr, it doesn't touch sticky windows unless you specify -a (!) Try
=> > => removing that switch.
=> > =>
=> > => Nick
=> > =>
=> > Errrrr.. yes it does! It doesn't touch _untitled_ windows.. But I've got an
=> > xpostit window here that is cascading merrily away with the rest of them...
=> >
=> > And there's nothing is the manpage about sticky windows...
=> >
=> Hmmm. Okay what version have you got. I've got 0.8 which seems to work
=> okay? With
=> Module FvwmCascade -sizeup -m 0 0 80 80
=> my sticky windows are ignored.... what have you got in your file?
=> Nick

I'm running 0.8 too, and I invoke it with

FvwmCascade 100p 100p

I tried it with -sizeup and there was no change. (Incidentally, this is on
Solaris 2.5 on a Sun SPARC 5, fvwm 2.0.43 with applied titlebar and border-
style patches.)

Do your sticky windows have titles? I have about four stickys on my screen
but only one of them has a title, and it's this one that is Cascading.
My guess is (and If Andrew Veliath wants to jump in here go ahead)
your stickys don't have titles and so since you don't have the -u switch
set, they are unaffected by Cascade. -
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Received on Thu Nov 28 1996 - 04:44:40 GMT

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