FVWM: Re: Questions about FVWM2

From: David S. Goldberg <dsg_at_linus.mitre.org>
Date: 22 Nov 1996 13:29:21 -0500

David Kennedy said:
> R.Tanner said:
>> 1. Is there a way to make a swallowed xterm focus like a window
>> does?

> As far as I know you'd have to allow the whole button bar to have
> focus just like a window.

Correct. There's no way to make parts of FvwmButtons be clicktofocus
and the rest be focus follows mouse. It is only one window after all.

>> 2. Is there a way for a swallowed object in my buttonbar to still
>> act as a button?

Not exactly. I'm guessing that because some swallowable applications
might want to be affected by mouse clicks, mouse clicks on swallowed
apps are passed to the app rather than being used by FvwmButtons to
represent a button press. Ironically, if you give FvwmButtons focus
and press the return key while the mouse is over a swallowed app, and
a mouse action is defined for that swallowed app, the return will work
as expected even though a mouse click won't. However, if you put a
title on the swallowed app button, you can mouse click on that title
and it will act as a button press. You don't need any title text, and
if you set the font real small, the title area doesn't look that bad.
In fact, I think with the right amount of padding you can center the
swallowed app, but I haven't really tried it. Here's what I did to
get a swallowed xmeter have a blank title area that I can click on.
When I press the button it runs an xterm with top in it.

*FvwmButtons(3x1, Frame 1, Action `Exec "top" TOP`, \
        Swallow(NoClose,UseOld) XMeter "Exec XMETER", \
        Font SCHU_C_M_R_N_6, Title " ")

I use M4, so you'll have to trust me that XMETER is an appropriate
command line for the xmeter program and SCHU_C_M_R_N_6 is a really
tiny font.
>> 3. Netscape doesn't seem to obey my configuration. I have
>> smartplacement selected in my .fvwm2rc file but rather than find an
>> empty area netscape allways appears in the top left corner of the
>> screen. Is there a way to fix this?
> No fix that I know of, it does this in my setup as well. Annoying
> isn't it? Just start it with a given geometry perhaps, again quite
> simple if you have it on a button.


Style "*" NoPPosition


Style "Netscape" NoPPosition

solve it? I don't have this problem with netscape, but I use a
geometry resource setting that might override any programatic

>> 4. I have four separate 'pages' setup in FVWM2 and want to be able
>> to start a program in a different page to the one I am using. eg I
>> am working in page 1 but want to be able to start a program in page
>> 2. At the moment I am forced to start the program in my current
>> page, then make it sticky, goto the page I want it, unstick the
>> window, then go back to the first page again. Is there a better
>> way?

> This is why I'm always pressing for 'StartsOnPage'! :-) You can
> write a function to go to a desk, start up program X, wait for X to
> appear, and then return to page N. But thats irritating. I usually
> just start things iconic now and slide them around in the pager
> using the middle mouse button whenever I have time to open them and
> sort out what goes where.

Yes, I want StartsOnPage too, but for now I live with specifying
geometries that span the page. For example on my 1152x900 system I
can start an xterm with geometry +1152+0 to start one page to the
right. However, if you do this in your rightmost page, you've got
problems :-) I find this is great for those apps I run at startup
time, but for those I start up later, I have to get them where I'm at
(except for those I put on another desktop with StartsOnDesk).

Dave Goldberg
Post: The Mitre Corporation\MS B305\202 Burlington Rd.\Bedford, MA 01730
Phone: 617-271-3887
Email: dsg_at_mitre.org
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Received on Fri Nov 22 1996 - 12:30:36 GMT

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