FVWM: obtaining arbitrary text from user and referencing it in .fvwm2rc

From: greg shebert <gshebert_at_efs-us.com>
Date: Fri, 05 Jan 2001 10:37:18 -0600

hi all...

i have a situation where i would like the window manager to prompt the
user for some text input and then to use that input in subsequent menus
specified in the .fvwm2rc

for example, lets say that i want the user to be able to specify the
color of the foreground of an xterm...
   the user selects 'xterm' from their mouse menu...
   they are then prompted for the foreground color...
   they then get a submenu that allows them to choose from a number of
different fonts....
   the xterm pops up with the right color and font

is something like this possible?

i'd like to avoid, if at all possible, popping up an xterm to get the
text input

thanks for any help,

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Received on Fri Jan 05 2001 - 10:58:52 GMT

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