Re: FVWM: ClickToFocus feature wish or question

From: lar3ry gensch <>
Date: Fri, 22 Nov 1996 10:03:08 -0500

Charles Hines wrote:
> Yeah:
> 1) I'm planning to add this as a global option in in 2.0.44
> (ClickToFocusDoesntPassClick or something like that)
> 2) In events.c, in HandleButtonPress look for:
> #if 1 /* pass click event to just clicked to focus window */
> and just change that to an '#if 0' instead.

First, I'd like to use the term "DontPassClick" as a less wordy version
of ClickToFocusDoesntPassClick. At least, it will save on typing in
this reply!

I've actually made the change you suggest in (2) a while ago, and the
problem that I had found immediately with this is that I have a few
applications that are StaysOnTop (button bar, pager, tkgoodstuff)...
since they are never obscured (especially now with the new
CleverPlacement code!), I'd like to keep the old behavior of just
clicking on a button and having the selected task operated on
immediately. If DontPassClick is global, then such actions require TWO
button presses. Yeeeccccch! After witnessing that behavior, I
re-enabled the PassClick (the opposite of DontPassClick) behavior.

Then, I started thinking of Style flags.

How about:

        Style "*" DontPassClick
        Style "Fvwm Pager" PassClick
        Style "FvwmButtons" PassClick
        Style "tkgoodstuff" PassClick

This would allow me to have the behavior that I would prefer. Of
course, we are awaiting the Great Style Flag Rewrite, and adding new
styles is more difficult than adding a global option, so I have up to
now held my tongue on that suggestion. (As a nit, maybe
PassClick/NoPassClick would be more in keeping with the current style
flag naming conventions.)

Anyway, I still needed a solution, so I came up with a workaround that
requires NO changes to the existing code:

Define a Key-Mouse combination that will perform the focus and raise.

Here's the relevant part of my .fvwm2rc file:

# RaiseAndFocus -- REALLY Raise an application and focus on it:

AddToFunc "RaiseAndFocus"
+ "I" Iconify -1
+ "I" Raise
+ "I" Focus

# Meta-Button 1, 2, or 3 is Raise and Focus

Mouse 1 WTFSI M RaiseAndFocus
Mouse 2 WTFSI M RaiseAndFocus
Mouse 3 WTFSI M RaiseAndFocus

Then, all I had to do is get into the habit of using Meta-Button to
raise a desired application (which is pretty easy, actually).

The only downside to this solution is that it steals META-Button{1,2,3}
from applications. But since this is .fvwm2rc that we are talking
about, a user can choose EXACTLY which Key/Button combination to use.

So, Chuck... just as a suggestion, consider DontPassClick/PassClick as
style options instead of global options, but be aware that I'm not in a
particular hurry for it right now. [smile]

(void) lar3ry();                            
  "I'm sorry you saw me, Billy.  Now I'll have to kill you." -- Santa
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