Re: FVWM: Ideas for focusing

From: Barry A. Warsaw <bwarsaw_at_CNRI.Reston.VA.US>
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 1996 14:34:25 -0500

>>>>> "ABM" == Allen Brady Montz <> writes:

    ABM> Then Barry Warsaw (hope I spelled that right)

You did!

    ABM> But I've been thinking about it since. Basically it would be
    ABM> a module (could be writting in python or C) and you could
    ABM> send python code to it (or have it read the code from a
    ABM> startup file) along the lines of: when you see fvwm event X,
    ABM> run python code Y. Where the fvwm event could be something
    ABM> like NewWindow, or a command that fvwm sent to the module via
    ABM> SentToModule (which lets you send an arbitrary string to a
    ABM> module).

    ABM> If we had such a module, it would be trivial to do what you
    ABM> want.

    ABM> I think that I'll get cracking on it now. There already is a
    ABM> python "module" out there, but it's pretty minimal. I think
    ABM> it's basically a Class that interfaces python code to
    ABM> fvwm. Does anybody have more information?

I think the next version of my module could easily support
something like this. I have a module called to which you
can pass any packet object received from Fvwm (the Python module
transforms each message packet into an object). The tracker then
sucks out relevent information from these packet objects and maintains
a database of the desktop and window states.

I'm very nearly ready for the next release, but have just been too
busy at work to finish things up. I really hope to have it ready
RSN. If you're really anxious to have a look, let me know because I
could probably send you something to peek at, even if it's not
quuuuiiiite ready for a more general release.

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