Re: FVWM: FvwmPager

From: Barry A. Warsaw <>
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 1996 13:36:17 -0500

>>>>> "BDB" == Barry D Benowitz <> writes:

    BDB> I would like to set up FvwmPager to only display the active
    BDB> desktop, not all the possible desktops. I would use another
    BDB> method of switching between desktops (probably tied to a
    BDB> button).

Don't know if this will be of interest, but I recently took another
look at my Python module for writing Fvwm modules. I've integrated it
with the Tk mainloop so you can now write GUI modules using Python's module. It works pretty well.

My main motivation for attack this again was to implement something
akin to Ctwm's desktop manager window; essentially a radiobutton box
with one button for each desktop, with a symbolic name for the
desktop. This turned out to be really easy to implement -- probably
about 20 lines of Python code -- but I figured no one would buy it if
it didn't re-implement the FvwmPager too. :-) Anyway I started
working on that and added a couple of neat features. I'm pretty close
to finishing it up, but it's not *quite* ready for prime time. If I
get a chance I'll finish it up and post a message here this weekend.

The small desktop viewer (what I call the "Button View") might do what
you want. In any case, Python/Tk makes for an excellent
infrastructure for writing Fvwm modules! There are a couple of
problems with the Fvwm API; most can be worked around, but there is
one bad problem. I'll describe that more when I post my next message,
later this weekend (hopefully).

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Received on Fri Nov 08 1996 - 12:40:49 GMT

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