FVWM: Icons in IconBox

From: Barry D Benowitz <bbenowit_at_telesciences.com>
Date: Wed, 6 Nov 96 09:07 EST

>>>>> "Todd" == Fleish <fleish_at_stu056.bsc.edu> writes:

    Todd> I am attempting to keep some icons from appearing in
    Todd> the iconbox (namely:
    Todd> asclock, xload, & xconsole) I have put NoIcon in their Style
    Todd> lines, but they keep showing up and I can't get rid of
    Todd> them. Anyone have an idea as to how to eliminate this?

Actually, this is backwards. Specifying NoIcon tells it to go into
IconBox. You must specify an Icon if you don't want it included.


Barry D. Benowitz - FAQ maintainer for alt.lefthanders
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Received on Wed Nov 06 1996 - 08:07:56 GMT

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