FVWM: Re: Pointer Focus

From: Jason L Tibbitts III <tibbs_at_hpc.uh.edu>
Date: 29 Oct 1996 23:13:03 -0600

>>>>> "SR" == Scott Raney <raney_at_metacard.com> writes:

[Quoting me]
>> I've been staying out of this, but I need to say one thing: this is a
>> mailing list for FVWM. I believe that there's an entire newsgroup for
>> window management issues, and if this isn't FVWM specific then I'd
>> appreciate everyone saving my bandwidth and moving to a more appropriate
>> place. (I host this list.)

SR> I disagree with this: the focus policy that should be specified in the
SR> default .fvwm2rc file is an important issue that should be discussed on
SR> this list.

The discussion I'm seeing has little to do with the default value of
anything and has degenerated into you trying to tell other people what to
do. I for one am tired of it, but that is my opinion. I'm considering
killfiling the whole thing because it just isn't interesting to me any

In any case I reiterate my _request_ that you keep the discussion strictly
relevant. I believe that pointer focus is the default in most TWM
derivatives (it certainly is for the TWM and TVTWM most of my users use),
so you're probably better off complaining in a general group instead of
missing most of the audience.
      Jason L. Tibbitts III - tibbs_at_uh.edu - 713/743-8684 - 221SR1
System Manager:  University of Houston High Performance Computing Center
                1994 PC800 "Kuroneko"      DoD# 1723
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Received on Tue Oct 29 1996 - 23:13:09 GMT

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