Re: FVWM: fvwm 1.24r problems with "active focus" applications

From: Jim Nicholson <>
Date: Wed, 23 Oct 1996 10:57:06 -0400 (EDT)

On 23 Oct 1996, Alan Shutko wrote:

My apologies to Alan; I couldn't find Scott's original post...

> >>>>> "SR" == Scott Raney <> writes:
> SR> Continued use of pointer focus as the default will just
> SR> demonstrate a total lack of respect for industry standards by the
> SR> fvwm developers,

To quote Bruce, "Howls of derisive laughter, Bruce!"

_IF_ the "industry standards" were any good, I wouldn't be using fvwm.

> SR> prevents many advanced applications (such as
> SR> MetaCard) from working well on many Linux systems, annoys and
> SR> confuses novice users, and is generally detrimental to the success
> SR> of products such as Linux that deserve all the help they can get.

Insisting of click focus demonstrates both a lack of design flexibility
and a total lack of respect for user preferences by the MetaCard
developers, prevents many advanced system tools (such as Linux and fvwm)
from working well with MetaCard, annoys and confuses both novice users and
those of us who must support them (and the later group quite often
influence purchasing decisions), and is generally detrimental to the
success of products such as MetaCard that frankly may not deserve any

> Ouch!
> First, the default focus policy is a site/distribution decision. You
> would be better off haranguing them.

I support 200 Win95 users. My most frequent request is to install Xmouse,
an unsupported (yet Microsoft-developed) extension to Win95 that
implements pointer focus for Win95.

> Second, fvwm 2 allows the focus policy to be set on a per window basis,
> so it could be MouseFocus for most things, but ClickFocus for
> MetaCard.

Which only goes to show that the problem is MetaCard not supporting fvwm,
and not fvwm's lack of support for MetaCard.

> --
> Alan Shutko <> - The Few, the Proud, the Remaining.
> IBM: Increasingly Bad Manufacturing
> --

- Jim Nicholson
YAATTSA (Yet Another AT&T SysAdmin)

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