Re: FVWM: Functions and buttons...

From: Albrecht Kadlec <>
Date: Mon, 14 Oct 96 21:36:41 +0200

>>>>> lar3ry gensch writes:

l> Nick Cross wrote:
> Hi,
> Right, though I am at the moment using fvwm95 and the taskbar I *think*
> this will be applicable to the buttonbar. Anyway...

l> This is a typical fvwm question... it's valid. [smile]

> double click on a button : IF netscape mail is running deiconify it, if
> iconified, raise and focus to it
> ELSE load up netscape mail and focus to it.

l> I use the following extensively in my fvwmrc file:

l> AddToFunc "warp-or-run"
l> + "I" Next [$0] Iconify -1
l> + "I" Next [$0] Focus
l> + "I" None [$0] $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8 $9

you have to use "Immediate" or "Motion" (after a timeout) for single click
buttons and "Click" for DoubleClick buttons, since FvwmButtons consumed the
first click before calling the function.

l> The first argument ($0) is the name of the window to search for. The
l> next arguments (up to 9) are the 'Exec' command to run if the window
l> isn't found.

l> Using the new FvwmButons module, you can call it as such:

l> *FvwmButtons(Icon mini-filemgr.xpm, Action 'warp-or-run "moxfm*" Exec
l> moxfm')

Brezhnev took Afghanistan,	|  And Maggie over lunch one day,
Begin took Beirut,		|  Took a cruiser with all hands,
Galtieri took the Union Jack	|  Apparently to make him give it back
			-- Pink Floyd, "Get Your Filthy Hands Off My Desert"
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