FVWM: [2.0.43] Random placement under StaysOnTop

From: Paul D. Smith <psmith_at_BayNetworks.com>
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 96 14:19:04 EDT

I'd like an enhancement to the RandomPlacement code, where under no
circumstances will a window be placed so it overlaps a StaysOnTop window
(unless there's no choice).

I'm using RandomPlacement, SmartPlacement. My buttonbar is at the
top of my screen, and if SmartPlacement can't place something
RandomPlacement quite often puts it near 0,0 so that the top of the
window (including the title bar I need to move it) is hidden by the
button bar.

Anyone got something like that? Seems like if SmartPlacement can make a
distinction between "used" and "free" screen space, it shouldn't be too
hard to make an in-between state of "hidden" screen space, or something,
and avoid that if possible.

 Paul D. Smith <psmith_at_baynetworks.com>         Network Management Development
 Senior Software Engineer                                   Bay Networks, Inc.
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist
     These are my opinions--Bay Networks takes no responsibility for them.
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Received on Mon Oct 07 1996 - 13:20:06 BST

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