FVWM: crazy idea

From: James_Kingdon <J.B.Kingdon_at_pac.soton.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, 03 Oct 1996 16:45:47 +0100

Hello Chuck and fellow list-readers,

I was just glancing at a magazine on my desk when I noticed that
the display on the obligatory computer screen appeared to have
been faked. (Computer Shopper, issue 104, Oct '96).
Somebody had taken a few images and pasted them onto a blue
background to make a composite screen shot. The interesting bit
is that instead of the usual window manager borders and handles,
the artist had dropped in graduated shadows on the bottom and
right hand edges, giving the windows that "floating" appearance.

A quick comparison of the fake screenshot and my real screen
suggests that this effect would look really great if we could
do it for real. Does anyone have some thoughts on how practical
it would be to implement this?


 James Kingdon                                       |               |
 Parallel Applications Centre                        |  /|   /|   /| |
 2 Venture Road                                      | | |  | |  | | |
 Chilworth                                           | | |  | |  | | |
 Southampton          Phone:  +44 1703 760834        | | |  | |  | | |
 S016 7NP             Fax:    +44 1703 760833        | |/   |/   |/  |
 United Kingdom       E-Mail: jbk_at_pac.soton.ac.uk    |_______________|
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