Re: FVWM: color of resizing grid

From: Charles Hines <chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM>
Date: Thu, 3 Oct 1996 10:35:20 -0400

>>>>> "GG" == Guenther Grau <> writes:

GG> Hi,


GG> the color of my desktop is plain black. When I resize a window,
GG> the usual resizing grid appears, but it is black. Same when moving
GG> a window around on my desktop. As this is black on black, i cannot
GG> see, where exactly I am going to place the window. It would be
GG> nice, if the resizing/moving grid would be drawn with XOR so that
GG> the grid would be seen on top of any color.

GG> Comments?

Um... it IS drawn with XOR. You may have to play with XORValue. From
the man page:

          XORvalue number
               Changes the value with which bits are XOR'ed when doing
               rubber-band window moving or resizing. Setting this
               value is a trial-and-error process.

Try 1 (which I use with a black background), then 255 (the default
actually), as I think these are the best bets (unless you have a
TrueColor/DirectColor visual _at_ 24 bpp, in which case try 250, which
worked for someone I know).

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