Re: FVWM: ColormapFocus bug?

From: Charles Hines <chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM>
Date: Wed, 2 Oct 1996 14:27:03 -0400

>>>>> "J" == J de Jongh <> writes:

J> Hi everyone,


J> I just subscribed to this list, so I don't know if this is
J> or has been a thread already...

You can always check the mailing list archives if you are wondering
anything like that. There is a nice search engine off of the official
homepage (

J> I'm running fvwm-2.0.42 on NetBSD-1.1 (i386) and XFree86-3.1.2.
J> While hacking my ~/.fvwm2rc, I discovered that fvwm2 is pretty picky
J> about how the ColormapFocus is to be set. It turned out that
J> either exactly ONE space or exactly ONE tab must be used between
J> ColormapFocus and FollowsFocus or FollowsMouse. Otherwise, the code
J> in fvwm/builtins.c (procedure SetColormapFocus) doesn't find
J> either keyword. I'll dive into the code once I know this really
J> is a bug, and hasn't been fixed in the meantime.

It's a bug. I forgot to strip leading whitespace out of there. It
should be fixed in the next beta (2.0.44), along with other fixes to
the parsing code.

J> This version of fvwm compiled right out of the box here, with
J> only four warnings about uncast pointer-integer assigments
J> in modules/FvwmForm/FvwmForm.c (all 'GetFontOrFixed' calls).

J> Great window manager, by the way; must be running it for over
J> 2 years now.

Glad to hear it.

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Received on Wed Oct 02 1996 - 13:30:54 BST

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