Re: FVWM: Titles on FvwmPager

From: Charles Hines <chuck_hines_at_VNET.IBM.COM>
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 14:32:57 -0400

>>>>> "Lance" == Lance A Brown <> writes:

Lance> Hi,


Lance> I read the man pager for FvwmPager but cannot see any way to turn off
Lance> the desktop titles. I'm swallowing FvwmPager in tkgoodstuff and would
Lance> like to do away with the Desktop titles if possible.

>From the FvwmPager man page:

          *FvwmPagerFont font-name
               Specified a font to use to label the desktops. If
               font_name is "none" then no desktop labels will be

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