Re: FVWM: FVWM Circulate

From: Patrick Sansom <>
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 10:07:03 +0100

>>>>> Albrecht Kadlec writes:
>>>>> Kai Grossjohann writes:
>>>>> Patrick Sansom writes:

P> The man page mentions CirculateSkip as a Style option but
P> no CirculateUp or circulate-up etc functions seem to work.
K> I guess that refers to the Prev and Next functions, now. But I don't
K> really know.

A> right, Prev/Next/None only find windows without the CirculateSkip style.

But, the Prev/Next functions don't seem to scroll round a list of windows.
Repeated use of Prev seems to jump back and foward --- it seems that the
prev is raised, but the current is not sent to the bottom. Hence the current
window becomes the previous window when Prev is applied again.

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Received on Fri Sep 27 1996 - 04:09:17 BST

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