FVWM: snap to a line?

From: Kendrick Vargas <ken_at_hudat.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Dec 2000 15:32:01 -0500 (EST)


I'm using a dev. snapshot (fairly recent) of fvwm2.4. I just installed a
dual-head setup and have that working fine on XF4.0.1 w/ xinerama.

Is there anyway I can have fvwm snap windows to a defined vertical or
horizontal line somewhere on my "physical" screen? Basically, I'd like to
be able to snap windows to the center of my display so that I can align
windows to the monitor edges.

If this isn't possible, can it be a feature? I think it'd make a good one
:-) Maybe a SnapToLine or even a SnapToPoint?

--- BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK ----------+----------
GAT d- s:+ !a C++$ UL/S/I/B++++$ P+ | "In the ongoing battle between objects
L++ E- W+(+++) N K- w(---) O-- M_at_ | made of aluminum going hundreds of
V(--) PS+++ PE Y+ PGP_at_ t++ 5 X+ R- | miles per hour and the ground going
tv+ b- DI++++ D+(+++) G e>++ h--- | zero, the ground has yet to lose."
r++ z+>+++ - END GEEK CODE BLOCK ---+

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Received on Mon Dec 18 2000 - 14:31:56 GMT

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