Re: FVWM: pixmap borders patch

From: Martin Cartwright <M.Cartwright_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK>
Date: Thu, 26 Sep 1996 11:42:33 +0100

=> From: D.Kennedy_at_Queens-Belfast.AC.UK (David Kennedy)

=> I'd like a very different colour for highlighted icons while
=> retaining the same highlighted/ordinary colour for pixmaped
=> border windows. Might I suggest extending (and slightly
=> complicating, but only slightly) the pixmap borders patch to
=> include a config file line like "Icon highlight colour"
=> or something. Most fvwm users will be fine with this, but
=> for "pixmap border patch" users this would be useful.
=> I reckon this would be very simple to implement.
Why stop at icon highlight colour? If the Great Style Flag ReWrite goes
ahead I'd suggest you have the attributes HighlightColour,
IconHighlightColour, Colour, and IconColour, and make them appicable on
a per window basis. I mean one thing that stuck me as a bit daft, was having
a global highlight colour when you can make all your other windows different
colours. The same sort of thing applies to attributes like TitleStyle and
font and so on. The more of these things that can be applied per window
the better, in my (somewhat self-centred opinion). It's what puts the F into FVWM... Fun. Flexibility. take your pick.

=> /end{rant}
=> --

\end{sermon} -
| "No challenge should be faced without a little charm, |
| and a lot of style." |

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