Re: FVWM: title-bar patch

From: Don Mahurin <>
Date: Fri, 20 Sep 1996 06:33:58 -0400

William E. Roadcap wrote:
> On Wed, 18 Sep 1996, Charles Hines wrote:
> > I'm going to check out Rasterman's patches, just for grins, but I
> > don't think I'll include that just yet. But perhaps if his additions
> > are simple, maybe I will add them as a compile time option as well.
> > Who knows?
> I took a long long look at Rasterman's page. Although I find his ideas to
> be REALLY cool, 8 hours of looking at that desktop could give one a very
> serious migraine headache.
> I'm not saying that some of these feature shouldn't be added. If these
> are fairly small nonintrusive patches they should included. They could
> make for some VERY attractive desktops when used properly.
> What I would _r e a l l y_ like to see:
> - Optional mini-pixmaps on the WindowList, and title bar
> or on the N/W title bar button. This mini-icon would
> "follow" the application via a common FVWM style. This has
> already been done well by the Fvwm95 team via
> Style "whatever" Titleicon mini-icon.xpm
> Perhaps Hector P. could share a patch with us.

Renamed to 'Style MiniIcons' of course, since They are not always on the
title bar.(They could go in WinList,FvwmWinList, TaskBar?

I have the FvwmWinList MiniIcon patch(The one in Fvwm95), for when
someone adds the MiniIcon Style.

> - If the titlebar pixmap patch is not adopted, then at the
> least we should be able to set the titlebar (just the title
> button itself) to a different color that the rest of the
> window frame.

Hmmm, Blue? I see where you are headed.

> - The ability to NOT display geometry on the WindowList.
> Actually, the whole WindowList syntax needs to be made less
> cryptic. Again, Fvwm95 has improved this and we could benefit
> from their work. Here is an excerpt from the Fvwm95 man page
> regarding WindowList options.
> ShowAllDesks - All windows on all desktops
> ShowCurrentDesk - Only windows on the current desk-
> top will be shown.
> ShowDesk n - Only windows on desktop number n will
> be shown.
> ShowGeometry - When specified, the geometry of each
> window will be added to the list.
> UseWindowNames - The windows are listed using the
> window (titlebar) name. This is the default
> UseIconNames - The window's icon names is used
> instead of the title name.
> This is just my two cents. Although I have tinkered with and contributed
> code to Fvwm95, I'm no Win95 fan. Nor am I really fond of the Win95
> (Where in hell did the frames go?!?) look. I'm sure many of you share this

I dont mind the look of Fvwm95. I would rather see that look as options
so I can mix and match what I like. This will most likely happen in

> sentiment. However, that doesn't mean that we can't benefit from some of
> the useful and attractive ideas of others. Not everything in the Win95
> interface is bogus. Even the taskbar itself is a good idea, especially
> when in autohide mode. It's just a horizontal FvwmWinList with a few

Maybe. If It grew to show All Icons, not Xt..., Wt..., then It would be
useful(like FvwmWinList)
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