FVWM: emacs problems

From: Andy J. Smith <A.J.Smith_at_nortel.co.uk>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 1996 09:30:04 +0100 (BST)


Having finlly managed to get fvwm-2.0.43 compiled on my system (uname -a =
HP-UX bonsai5 A.09.05 A 9000/710 2002857507 two-user license), everything
appears to work correctly except emacs.

What happens is, it loads up as normal, but the cursor, minibuffer and
mouse cursor colour is black, the same as the background colour. This
makes emacs near unusable.

My emacs version is GNU Emacs 19.33.2. I have not had time to delve into
the .fvwm2rc, but I did try 10 other .fvwm2rc's I got off the net and each
had the same emacs problem, leading me to believe that this isn't where
the problem lies. Under HP-VUE, this machine's default WM, emacs also
looks fine. Also I have not altered my .Xdefaults file in the change from

I'm sure this is a simple problem to fix, but I don't know how, so any
help would be appreciated.

Andy J. Smith http://sol.soc.staffs.ac.uk/cm4bcajs

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